A delicate girl perches bird-like in the arms of an old tree.
She never really knew her mother, tragically torn away from her when she was no more than a baby. But in a way, her mother still exists within every breath of her beautiful daughter. They were always connected; the blood and genes still flow and will continue to do so as mother becomes grandmother and daughter becomes mother.
The strength of the tree is as much in its roots as its wide trunk and thick branches. Even though twigs will break off and beautiful leaves fall to earth, the lifeline continues. The tree appears similar, even after the wonder of a million new leaves but that same original life flows into every one.
She likes it here, even in the bare nakedness of the tree’s winter form. She understands time. She can feel life beneath her feet and soon she will feel life within her womb. She knows that despite appearances, life goes on and her mother is always with her.